Teak is a truly remarkable wood: it does not rot; it is resistant to the vagaries of weather, from droughts to humidity; it can withstand temperature variations and prolonged exposure to sunshine or sea spray. It symbolises all the qualities sought by Tectona for its furniture.

Across oceans to parks and English gardens
The characteristics of teak have been known in tropical Asia for over 2000 years. Its density, the ease with which it can be worked but also its resistance made it an obvious choice for architecture, particularly palaces and temples, but also boatbuilding, especially because it produces an oily substance that prevents the formation of rust on nails and other metallic objects. In the middle of the 18th century, the British navy was building teak vessels at its shipbuilding yards in Bombay in India. A century later, at the end of their sea life, these vessels were dismantled and the teak reused, notably to make outdoor furniture including benches intended for parks and public gardens

From nature to controlled plantations
Teak is native to tropical rain forests, where it thrives on slopes in humus-rich soil, and can reach a height of 18 metres in 15 years. It is a deciduous tree, shedding its leaves in the dry season. When cut, its wood produces a pronounced and pleasant aroma that persists for tens of years. Tectona only uses traceable teak that has come from government-controlled forests.
The name of the genus Tectona is derived from the Portuguese word Teca, which itself is derived from the Greek word Tekton meaning «carpenter»

Our craftsmanship
We seek out the best logs, which are then worked with the utmost care at every stage, from the cutting of the trunks then the slats to the several assemblies using mortise-and-tenon joints in accordance with traditional techniques. The nobility of this wood lends itself to beautiful objects that stand the test of time, indifferent to adverse weather conditions. Teak, a wood unlike others, deserves only the best care and technical expertise; these are forthcoming from an in-house Meilleur Ouvrier de France.

Beautiful natural protection
Teak is a wood for all terrains and climates! Over time, the surface of teak develops an attractive silver-grey patina. Teak naturally secretes a protective oil that renders it fully rot-proof so it doesn’t need to be painted or oiled and is particularly well suited to outdoor use, whether in ship decks or, of course, outdoor furniture. Teak is extremely dense; it does not split although a few superficial cracks may appear.

Caring for teak
How to look after your teak garden furniture : Care is minimal. We recommend that once a year, you remove impurities from your furniture by cleaning it with soapy water or water containing a bit of washing-up liquid.
How to maintain the original colour of teak : If you want to maintain the original colour of your furniture, apply Wood Sealant to slow down formation of the patina. This product is also effective against stains, particularly on tabletops.
How to make the grey patina disappear : If your furniture has never received care, has not been cleaned once a year and has become grey, we recommend that you use Net Trol to remove impurities, stains, mould and previous treatments. If your furniture has received care, we recommend that you first clean it with soapy water and a brush then apply a layer of Wood Sealant to slow down the grey patina. This product is also effective against stains (tabletops).
If you’ve just stained your furniture : Non-greasy stains can be eliminated with water. Greasy stains require a textile cleaning product.
Do I have to apply oil or varnish to my teak furniture? We strongly advise against use of either teak oil or linseed oil. They do not extend the lifetime of your furniture and stains may appear.
Do I have to cover my teak furniture? You should use the protective covers from time to time to protect your furniture from rain showers or morning dew. We advise against use of covers for prolonged periods.