Imperial Teak
For 45 years, Tectona have been making furniture able to withstand the rigours of the outdoors, year after year. Absolute longevity is guaranteed by our three favourite materials teak, woven resin and aluminium⎯ and the traditional craftsmanship that permeates all aspects of fabrication right down to the smallest details. Tectona is committed to sustainable development. Finally, some of our benches now have the “Teck Impérial” stamp indicating that the wood is derived from the most attractive teak logs that have been worked in whole sections.

Teck impérial, the crème de la crème!
Henceforth, some of our collections will be stamped with the “Teck Impérial” logotype. Its use indicates that the teak used was carved from the most attractive logs, derived from the oldest trees.

Outstanding durability
Over the years the grain has become exceptionally dense and the oleoresin, the naturally secreted protective oil, more concentrated. These two qualities confer outstanding durability to “Teck Impérial”.

Discover our benches in "Teck Impérial"
Logs are cut from the widest trunks and single blocks are worked. The most remarkable examples are found in the legs of our benches and in the Argos collection.