The lightness of aluminium yields furniture that can be moved effortlessly

A natural choice for the outdoors
Over the last decade or so, the growing desire for outdoor living has generated a new set of requirements, which read like a data sheet for aluminium! Aluminium is a durable material, resistant to all types of corrosion and completely impermeable due to the aluminium oxide layer that naturally forms on its surface. It is light, producing furniture that can be moved with minimal effort. Powder-coating employs the electrostatic effect to coat the aluminium with a powdered paint, which subsequently polymerises in an oven at 200°. This process not only produces a durable colour but reinforces shock-resistance

Proven dependability
Aluminium made its entry into Tectona at the turn of the present century, as the frame structure for woven resin furniture. A few years later, in 2006, it stepped into the limelight with the launch of the 1800 collection in blue-grey aluminium, later also in black. In 2007, the designer Pierre Charpin used aluminium in combination with teak for the Tennis collection

Caring for aluminium
Cleaning or repainting
Powder-coated aluminium can be cleaned with soapy water. To repaint your furniture, use an outdoor oil-based paint after applying a primer to the clean, dry surface.
- Powder-coated aluminium does not rust and can be used at the seaside. It is extremely resistant to abrasion.
- If you want to put your furniture into storage during winter, use an appropriate cover.